Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jinxed it!

So despite looking forward to going to my kickboxing class yesterday, it turned out far worse than I expected.

The session was tough and I stopped a couple times inbetween to catch my breath. Half an hour later, I just couldnt do it anymore, so walked to the back of the class, to take a breather.

I can't remember the countless number of times, we had been told that no matter how tired we were, we had to keep pacing or moving in one spot, to bring down the heart rate. But ofcourse, trust me not to remember that when I should have. So there I stood and suddenly, I felt dizzy.....

To make a long story short, I blacked out twice within an approximate 15 minute period.

Now, I dont have any medical ailment - I know, because I had recently had my annual medical check-up, but it was a scary experience.

However, what I learnt from it and what should have been done, when I blacked out the first time, was to lie down flat rather than sit, because lying down, helps the blood to circulate. By sitting down, the blood simply rushed to the feet, so to speak!

You would think that the instructor or those at the sports facility would know and suggest that option. No one did, but they were concerned.

While this wasnt a major incident and I am back to normal, it is a reminder for me, to sign up for the First Aid course that I have been planning to take, for a while now.

One never knows when it could come in handy!

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