Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stormy Silence

Silence screams...
Deafening me with its intensity
I look at you
Through the flood of tears
As  raging waves crash against rocks
Behind you.

Talk to me
Say something
But the stony silence continues

Anger, confusion, pain
Fills the night sky
That is all that is left
Of what once was...
Two lost and lonely people
No longer one.


  1. I am impressed, never knew you could write as a poet too. Really nice!

  2. i always thought love and sharing were synonyms, but i guess i was wrong...maybe just in love with the thought of love.....awaiting that breath taking moment....when you would sweep me off my feet.....maybe my expectations were too high.....and your instincts too basic.....never the twain met.....and yet we remained to the world....."lived happily ever after!"

  3. Anupam: There is a lot of depth in what you say and feel...the tragedy lies in the fact that your perception is not understood by those who should......

  4. apna bhi hal hai tere jaisa hai, kya karein hum bhi mausam aisa hai.
