Thursday, February 2, 2012

Unleash your power!

You are the creator of your thoughts and the master of your actions and no one can control your thoughts unless you let them.

Did you ever wonder why the impact of someone else's harsh words make you angry, sad, or makes you cry?

We all know that our thoughts affect our emotions, which in turn affect our actions.

By letting someone else’s words trigger your emotions, you have literally given that person the power over your thoughts, which in turn affect you.

Your emotions affect your mood, your space and those around you and while you cannot control the situations that you are faced with, you can control how you react to them.

Staying positive, in the face of adversity is easier said than done - it is difficult, but not impossible. Also, suppressing your emotions is detrimental to your overall wellbeing and health.

Your reaction is your choice. Will be it tantrums and tears or will it be an assessment of the situation, of finding a way to deal with it in a positive manner and thinking of it as a learning experience in the journey of life?

Learn to let go…let go of anger, frustration, guilt and pain. Journal your thoughts, try deep breathing, meditation - these are all options that are therapeutic. 

Remember, a positive mindset reaps positive thoughts and enables you to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. 

Both states, positive and negative impact you and those around you.

Learn to master that chattering mind, that can be your best friend or your worst enemy; it is constantly working, churning both good and bad thoughts,  thinking, planning, working overtime to the point of exhaustion.

The next time you find yourself dwelling too long on thoughts that upset you, literally tell your mind ‘Stop! Enough! Shut up!”

You will feel so empowered, that it will enable you to channel the course of your thoughts to a better situation.

Think about it - what do you gain by dwelling on a past situation which you can’t change and only causes more pain?

When we cannot undo the past, why let it impact our present, or jeopardize our future? 

Then again, we don’t know what the future, what tomorrow holds, so why let the emotional baggage of the past, of yesterday, affect our future, which is not even guaranteed?

Don’t be so affected by someone else’s actions that the negativity of it, becomes a part of your aura and seeps into your space. 

Learn to focus on today, on now, because this moment is all that you know you have. Not the next hour, not tomorrow….only ‘now’. 

Your life is precious and yours for the taking - so savour it and make the most of it!

Stand tall, with new found determination to forge ahead –
You Have The Power!!

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