Friday, June 3, 2011

Letting Go

As a parent, one of the toughest situations I had to face years ago was letting my daughter leave home at 18, to pursue higher education in the States.

That is why I can totally relate to a friend who is in a similar situation now. She is stressed and has sleepless nights, complains of chest pains and the way I see it, is a total basket case, as she tries to fathom how her daughter will manage on her own.

As mothers, we forget that although our children will always be babies in our eyes, time doesn't stand still. Yesterday's baby grows to become a young adult with stars in her eyes, dreams in her heart, bubbling with excitement over what the future holds.

My daughter didn’t know how to cook but she learnt, through trial and error, with endless emails in-between asking for easy recipes. She didn’t have a clue about managing finances, but she got street smart and learnt how to live on a budget; she got herself a part time job to earn extra pocket money.

In time she became stronger, sharper and more capable. Most importantly, she learnt to be independent and see the world in a way she could have never fathomed had she stayed at home.

As parents we can only love our children, nurture them, instil values and be supportive at all times. Feeling valued, boosts a child’s self-esteem and gives them the confidence to venture into the world, away from the protected environment of home.

I know how heart breaking it is, to cut the apron strings and let go, knowing you won’t be around if she falls or gets hurt and wondering how she will cope. But we forget that most youngsters today have more guts than we did at their age. 

So all your wonderful parents out there, especially mothers ....if you have done the best you can in bringing up your children, then believe, have faith in their abilities and let go. 

Don't let your love weaken them. Let it be their strength to step forward and simply soar!

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