Monday, June 13, 2011

Each one of us is special

I have been filled with a sense of sorrow recently, while trying to comfort a close friend, for whom home has become nothing more than a place to sleep at night.

She stays out as late as possible after work, just to avoid the constant bickering, the hostility and the unhappiness that has crept into her home which once was a haven of peace and harmony.

We have all experienced the off days when flared tempers and disharmony overrides the peace and happiness of home. It is hard to simply brush off the memories of harsh words when the atmosphere of negativity, results in a sense of frustration that overpowers any logical thinking.

For some, it is a temporary phase that eventually passes until normalcy returns again, for others it is an ongoing issue that seems to have no end. 

Most of us can’t forget the times we wanted to crawl under a rock and hide away from the world, especially when we are feeling hurt, angry or simply tired of living.

The fact remains that we are only really hiding from ourselves.

You gain nothing from hiding, it doesn’t solve anything. It is just a means of procrastinating, a temporary break from dealing with a reality that seems hard to handle.

None of us are meant to hide. Let no one tell you any different. Our differences define who we are, so let us not undermine our radiance, our unique brilliance that is meant to illuminate the world.

By dimming our light, we deprive the people around us of the unique gifts and talents that we are here to share. If others can’t accept you and appreciate you for who you are, then it is there loss.

You are special – don’t ever stop believing that.

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