Friday, September 2, 2011

I have learnt...

That despite the times I can’t change a situation, I can handle it better if I change my attitude, my perception and focus more on seeing my glass as half full, rather than half empty.

That life is filled with joys and sorrows and everyone has their share of laughter and tears. By making the most of the happy days, the memories I have created, have helped me handle tough times a little better.

That some friends will take advantage of me and my generosity, but I try not to get bitter about being used. After all, I can’t change what happened, but I can certainly learn from it.

Some days are just tougher than others and it is hard to always stay positive. So I rant and rave when I need to, get it out of my system and let the tears fall rather than bottle up my emotions – such a relief.

That life’s lessons are sometimes tough, but that is what makes me appreciate even more the moments of joy, of love and laughter that come my way.

Overall, I have learnt, to seize the moment and enjoy life to the fullest…because like they say, yesterday is gone, I don’t know if I will have a tomorrow….all I truly have is today, so live and let live!

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