Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Power Of Love

We all know that we can’t just live on love and fresh air, but that being said one can’t deny the importance of having love in our lives.

Whether it is the love of a parent, sibling, spouse, child or friend, feeling loved and cared for does to a great degree, impact the person we turn out to be.

In most cases, it is only when you have been loved and nurtured while growing up, that you would better understand the importance of being a loving human being and ensure you show your love to the near and dear ones in your life, with the things you do and say.

However, if you have felt neglected, uncared for as a child, not only have you lost out on what is your basic right, your outlook towards those you interact with today, might be indifferent, uncaring, selfish, bitter -  possibly the result of how you were treated.

But why continue the trend. Look around you and be open to change.

Change your perception and realise that while you may have felt short-changed as a child, don’t let it impact your relationships today.

In order to form loving relationships, learn to be a loving person by first learning to let go of that painful past that blinds you to everything that is beautiful.

Focus on the present; give of yourself, without expectations, whole-heartedly. Learn to love, trust others and you will find that the ‘new you’ will reap rewards. You will find the love and caring that you never knew and you and those who matter will be happier.

Just remember, happiness is yours for the taking, but you have to first give your love unconditionally. Most often than not, it will be reciprocated, because who isn’t positively affected by a loving, caring, considerate person?

Knowing you are loved and appreciated can spur you to great heights and make you feel that life is so worth living - that truly is the power of love.


  1. but to be able to do so successfully and continuously, you need loads of divine help or t.l.c.both of which are perpetually in short supply. so at times u're left more drained and lost than i being pessimistic or realistic? who can draw the fine line?

  2. Oh you definitely need both, no doubt about that and yes, it can leave you drained and lost, but what's that they say about, no pain, no gain!

    I see it as a work in progress, whereby sometimes you still falter and sometimes you succeed.
